Welcome to The Aviation Club

My name is Alexandria Procter, and I’m the CEO and cofounder at DigsConnect, a proptech startup. I’m 27 years old.

Other than my work at DigsConnect, I’m a flash fiction writer trying to get published in the New Yorker, narrative nonfiction writer trying to get published in Quillette, small time property investor, web 3 simp, baby mountaineer, student pilot and brand new venture capitalist (announcement loading on this front).

A fundamental belief of mine is that humans are born to be explorers. We are destined to have our eyes on the horizon and push the frontier. It’s what our earliest ancestors did, standing on shores and looking out, building crazy rickety canoes and paddling into the unknown, pulled by the deepest desire to know what lies beyond. We pulled our species up, kicking and screaming, from somewhere at the bottom of the food chain to the undisputed rulers of our planet, for better or worse, and now we look further to conquer our solar system with a (hopeful) Mars landing this decade (all fingers crossed). This is in our nature. This is our destiny. 

We push the frontier and we build. We build tools, cities, systems, economies, rockets, stories, art, ideas, empires, wars, horrors, holocausts. Our bodies reorganise inanimate matter into consciousness and we expand out. It is the most sacred experience, just existing and feeling the great life force of it all moving through you in each moment. And in this snap of the fingers of our entire species’s existence perhaps an opportunity to do something wonderful. To hop the planetary boundaries. To perhaps hop the biological species boundary with artificial intelligence. To do good for other people and animals and propagate joy and gratitude. 

We writhe and strive and scream and pray and somehow figure it out. Distilled down into a tiny instance of this, here I am, sitting crossed legged in my bed, tousled white linen all around me and a cup of tea growing steadily colder. I’ve somehow woken up into this beautiful life where I have the extraordinary privilege of being the CEO of DigsConnect, and for the time being have committed my life to building this company and making it all that it can be, occasionally fucking up royally along the way.

All I can do is tell is the truth as it happens out here on the frontier. I hope you enjoy the journey, and that it adds value, light, laughter, a sense of adventure and wonder into your existence.

Caelum certe patet, ibimus illi.
Surely the sky lies open, let us go that way.

alexandria procter

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Caelum certe patet, ibimus illi.


CEO / Cofounder / Head of Product at DigsConnect.com